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Thames Valley and Surrey Secure Data Environment

In the Thames Valley and Surrey (TVS), we are working with patients and the public, alongside health and care staff to develop a local regional secure data environment (SDE) for planning and research  (for detail see get involved section). Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH) is the host organisation for the Thames Valley and Surrey Secure Data Environment.

Our SDE will benefit our communities by:

  • Supporting research for new and improved diagnostic tools, and treatments
  • helping the NHS plan better service
  • making sure that everyone can see how local patient data is being used and what impact it has.

Kerrie Woods, TVS SDE Programme Director

Oxford Joint Research Office Seminar – The Thames Valley and Surrey Secure Data Environment: What does it mean for me? Tuesday 11 February 2025

This featured talks from Kerrie Woods (OUH) and Professor Jim Davies (TVS SDE Chief Technology Officer) about progress, data architecture and work to enable access to data. It was followed by a panel discussion chaired by Professor Keith Channon, Director of Oxford Academic Health Partners. This is a seminar of the Oxford Joint Research Office, which works across Oxford’s NHS and academic partners to streamline the set-up and delivery of collaborative health research studies.

David Walliker, former TVS SDE Programme SRO

We are committed to continue to work with our Community of Practice (see get Involved) to ensure transparency is achieved in our work.

A carer perspective on the benefits of an SDE:

Further information about patient data is available at Understanding Patient Data.